TLIF2010 Apply Fatigue Management Strategies for truck and bus drivers is a nationally recognised unit of competency from the TLI Transport and Logistics Training Package.
Participants who demonstrate competence to the required standard will receive a Statement of Attainment in the Unit of Competency TLIF2010 – Apply Fatigue Management Strategies.
In addition, this unit of competency supports the Basic and Advanced Fatigue Risk Management schemes requirement for Heavy Vehicles under the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS)
Furthermore, it assists Transport operators who want to ensure suitable knowledge, understanding and practice of fatigue management issues for their drivers and schedulers is implemented.
Most of all, this unit of competency also forms part of the course for Certificate III in Driving Operations TLI31216 and is a CORE subject for that course.
Course Outcomes:
As a result, drivers will work in and provide a much safer workplace for themselves and others.
You will learn the relevant knowledge, roles and responsibilities required to understand, recognise and manage fatigue as a heavy vehicle and or bus driver.
All learners must complete successfully all assessments as per course requirements.
Finally, successful completion of the unit of competency ensures you comply with the National Heavy Vehicle Legislation and National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) requirements.
Delivery Methods available:
Online: Access anywhere, anytime using the internet. Most of all, the site can be accessed using multiple devices
Group/class environment. Contact KRTS for details of how to arrange for this mode of delivery.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Experienced drivers or staff can apply for an RPL kit from
Learners undertaking this course must meet the language, literacy and numeracy requirements of this unit. Where support is needed, talk with the KRTS Assessor.
Course Duration:
6-8 hours depending on learners experience.
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